The time line was limited so there was not bandwidth for a coding effort nor to purchase any new tool.
We quickly turned to JMeter. This is going to be a short post, but there are a couple of key advantages we had with JMeter.
Observed advantages:
- JMeter out of the box could handle puts
- JMeter worked well with RAKE
- Fast installation and short learning curve
- Easily extensible
- Ability to run headless (no GUI) via RAKE
- Executing tests with the GUI dropped threads as load increased due to utilization of machine java processes
- graphic listeners are of extremely poor quality
- A single instance appears to be limited to approximately 300 concurrent threads
There are some key action items for me.
- Evaluate the ability to distribute load across several machines
- Evaluate the ability of JMeter to interact with Web-based applications (ajax stuff etc...)
- Develop Ruby scripts to calculate and report out data metrics as the number of transactions increase.
- Understand the limitations of this tool
- Evaluate other open source plugins developed for JMeter
Happy Testing!