Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Selenium RC plus RSpec

It has been an extremely long time since I posted to this humble blog. I have currently changed jobs and I am newly energized to learn, implement, and build out a test automation framework.

There are a zillion frameworks to choose from. I have been using the WATIR framework for several years as I had bandwidth. I never had the opportunity to learn and execute a full solution. I recently interviewed several teams at the new company and I found one common theme with respect to test automation. Every team has selected Selenium RC as the foundation.

Initially I attempted WATIR to execute the tasks required by the team. With the complexity of the web pages and solutions, I quickly learned that WATIR may not be the best solution.

One of the teams built a Selenium & RSpec framework. Although there is some learning curve for me, I am liking what I see.

As I go on this adventure I will attempt to do a weekly post on the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Keep on Testing!

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