Sunday, May 24, 2015

Honor Your Veterans

I feel very blessed to have met a wonderful person a month or so ago.  Her name is Brenda Hall, CEO of Bridge360.  Her company has put together an amazing program that teaches Veterans to test software called Veterans4Quality.  I highly encourage all companies to offer these service men and women an opportunity to expand our global testing family.

In my opinion this is such a great opportunity to introduce passionate and talented people into the career of Software testing.  Please consider giving these graduates a 12-week internship at your company.

As a bonus blessing, we have an extremely talented daughter who soon will be going off to the Ringling College of Art and Design.  Here is an art piece she submitted to the Women's Auxillary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, VFW.  She received a scholarship locally for this piece of art, and it is now at the state level.  My new colleague and friend Brenda Hall also shared this at the Whitehouse a few weeks ago.  Enlarge the attached photo to see the magic.

I would like to end this short post with a huge THANK YOU to all of those great people giving military service around the globe to bring peace to our chaotic world.

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